Tuesday, October 12, 2010

One down!!!

Well it's official. I'm done with one application. It's off and there is nothing more I can do. That is except continue to meet students and alumni who might be willing give my application a little push toward the top of the pile. I already have a couple extra notes in this application file so I feel pretty confident with it. OK, there's my celebration. Now back to it.

A quick lesson too, I've had some difficulty with the applying program at Kellogg. I'm a reapplicant so it was difficult to set up a new application. I contacted the IT support but it took a day or two for them to respond, in the mean time I created a new gmail account and used that to open the application. Now I'm having trouble with the submit function. As a reapplicant I don't have to submit essay 4, instead writing a reapplication statement which is a bit over the word limit (15%ish) so I don't want to seem overly needy with my word demands. So I've uploaded all my essays and transcripts and went to submit/pull up the package in pdf format to review. I keep getting an error message that I have no answered question 4 which is optional. I reached out to the IT support mid-afternoon yesterday and I'm still waiting for a reply. I suppose I', fortunate the deadline is Thursday and I did this early enough to wait for the IT support but it's incredibly frustrating this close to the deadline. My advise to everyone reading this, check your system now! Make sure you don't run into this sort of trouble with only hours until the drop dead minute. Trust me, it'll save you the stress.

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