Prior to be waitlisted to a second school this year, I interviewed with Duke. At first I was rather indifferent to the whole scenario. With one acceptance and a waitlist at my top choice, I wasn't thrilled to prep for yet another interview. I went through the motions, reviewed my story, researched Duke a bit more and donned a suit again this application season.
The interview was much different than any I've had during the two year bschool application experience. It was with an alum in my city. She graduated a while ago but has kept in touch. We began by talking about her experience, where she is in her career, how she got there and where she hopes to go. From there the conversation just continued across a number of topics, from the culture at Duke to her other graduate pursuits to her recent interview to reunions and stories from Fuqua. Through it all there were very few questions about me. Although I had prepared for the why Duke, why MBA, leadership experiences, etc, none were really asked. I worked in some of my knowledge about the program and what I hope to accomplish after graduating but that's about it. The whole experience was longer than most interviews, though I'm still struggling to call it an interview.
Overall, it was a positive experience. It may sound a bit greedy but after applying to so many schools, I really want another acceptance. To a certain extent it would validate my efforts. It would prove I haven't shot too high for my MBA program. However, if I'm accepted to Haas, I assume all this will be insignificant.
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